My Journey Towards a

Sustainable Future

I firmly believe that knowledge is the key to progress. and I consider excellence to be the path to success. I specialize in energy education, professional writing, and strategic consulting. My mission is to empower individuals and organizations to make informed positive change in the ever-evolving world of energy and management.

My Mission Empowering Minds, Energizing Futures

I am on a personal mission to bridge the knowledge gap in the energy sector and beyond. My commitment to excellence extends to every facet of my work. whether it's educating professionals on complex energy issues. crafting compelling narratives through my writing. or guiding businesses toward more efficient operations. I firmly believe that well-informed individuals and organizations can shape a brighter sustainable future for us all.

Energy Education

I offer insightful and engaging speaking engagements on a wide spectrum of energy-related topics, from nuclear power generations to renewable energy sources and energy policy. My goal is to demystify complex issues and facilitate informed decision-making.

Writing Service

From professional management content to literary works that touch the sould, I am a skilled wordsmith who creates impactful narratives and shares knowledge nin engaging ways.

Consulting Expertise

My consulting services encompaass business management, organizational development, and project management. I help business thrive by offering strategic guidance and solutions tailored to their unique needs.

My Services

About MG Stark

Milton’s Journey began in the heart of rural Western Colorado. where he honed the skills essential for success in that environment during his formative years.

In the autumn of 1966, he embarked on an exciting academic pursuit in theater arts at a local junior college, driven by ambition and starry-eyed dreams. Balancing limited savings. a handful of grants, and a multitude of part-time jobs, he persevered until the spring of 1968. A crucial turning point came when he decided to take a quarter off to accumulate funds for his return to school Little did he know that this pause would not only shape his education but also the trajectory of his life.

By mid-August of the same year. Milton found himself in the midst of basic training for the Army. with a wife and a three-year-old stepson by his side. This unexpected path emerged because there was no grace period for a Selective Service College Deferment when finances were tight.

Beyond basic training, he embarked on a unique journey at the US Army Engineer Training Center, specializing in power production as a 'Powerman' or generator operator. Over the course of nine years. he transitioned into a role as a Nuclear Power Plant Operator and Instrument Technician, coinciding with the conclusion of the Army Nuclear Power Program in 1977.

Transitioning into civilian life. Milton ventured into a career supporting the energy industry on national and international levels. His diverse experience encompasses various facets of the industry, including:

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    Training Analyzing, designing, and delivering training programs.

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    Management: Scaling the ranks from supervisor to executive roles.

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    Business and Organizational Development Nurturing growth and effeciency.

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    Causal Analysis: Identifying root causes and implementating solutions.

Milton has been at the forefront of numerous groundbreaking projects, many of which were pioneering or uniquely tailored to address complex challenges, such as:

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    Three Mile Island II: Accident recovery and waste management.

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    Oyster Creek: Dry tube replacement.

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    Oconee: Deploying digital Turbine Control and Protection Systems.

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    Pioneering the development and INPO certification of several Utility Training and Qualification Programs.

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    Facilitating technology transfer to China with the acquisition of AP 1000 Power Plants.

At the age of 75, Milton embarked on a new career as an author and speaker, focusing on issues and actions related to the energy industry, particularly the ongoing transition to renewable energy resources. His primary focus now revolves around completing and publishing his upcoming book, “The Sixth ‘W‘ of Project Management,“ slated for release in the first quarter of 2024.

Outside his professional pursuits, Milton finds joy in keeping his bride of forty-three years content, chasing (or sometimes searching for) a golf ball, and indulging in downhill skiing during the precious moments of his “retirement.“

“Come Be Part of Our
Expedition Together,
We Forge a Sustainable Tomorrow”

MG Stark extends an invitation to join us on a collective voyage of exploration, learning, and evolution. Whether you’re a seasoned industry professional thirsting for knowledge, an organization dedicated to achieving excellence, or a literally enthusiast, we have offerings tailored to your needs. Together, we ignite intellects and kindle the flames of excellence, chartinga course toward a brighter and more sustainable future.

Reach out to discover how we can collaborate in pursuit of your aspirations.

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